My First Blog



#Hi, I'm Abdus Samad 👋

I'm a passionate web developer from India, currently in my 3rd year of a Bachelor of Computer Applications at Jagannath International Management School, New Delhi. My journey into the world of web development began 1.5 years ago, and since then, I've been hooked on creating and developing innovative web applications.

#My Journey

I started with simple projects and slowly built my way up to more complex applications. Over time, I've completed several freelance projects, which are live online and have helped me hone my skills. I recently finished the frontend of a new project using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI, and Framer Motion, which you can check out here.

#What I'm Currently Working On

Currently, I'm working on multiple projects:

  • E-commerce Website: Building a platform to sell refurbished items like phones, TVs, laptops, and accessories. I'm using Next.js with Zustand and NextAuth for this.
  • Online Pharma Website: A website that sells all types of medicine, developed using Next.js 14 with the App Router and Tailwind CSS.
  • Waste Management App: For my minor project, I'm creating a waste management app, where I plan to integrate AI to identify items.

#My Aspirations

My goal is to become an expert in web development and AI integration. I'm also focused on getting excellent marks in my final semesters and growing my freelancing career. In the future, I want to create my own AI tools and explore blogging as a side hustle to share my knowledge and experiences with others.

Thanks for taking the time to read about me! Feel free to connect with me if you're interested in my work or have any projects in mind.

This article was written by Abdus Samad, a dedicated web developer from New Delhi, India.